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Coming soon!

Get ready to nurture your child's senses with our exclusive range of toys made from natural materials and clothes made from organic cotton!

Our offerings are carefully conceptualized based on the philosophies of education by Dr. Rudolf Steiner, proponent of the Waldorf Education System, and Maria Montessori, founder of the Montessori Education System.

Be the first to know when these delightful treasures land in our store by signing up for our newsletter!

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  • True Education

    " The Highest Education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence." - Rabindranath Tagore.

     In fact, During the first 6 years, education is hardly about gaining information. It's primarily about finding harmony in all existence; in simpler words, it's about perceiving the world through our senses and developing the worldview that would impact our lives well into our adulthood. We focus on this kind of true education for children by nurturing their senses with the right kind of age-appropriate toys, the right kind of clothing made out of the purest natural fabrics, and other essentials.

  •  Sustainability

    We are a sustainable brand and all our offerings take into account the importance of taking care of our planet by staying away from plastics, harmful pesticides, and other synthetic materials. We truly believe that our future generation should grow up without leaving a negative impact on the planet. 

  • Sense of Community

    We are not here only to sell our products. We are here to build a community around our brand with parents, grandparents, uncles and aunties, educators, and caregivers who are on a quest to offer the best to the special little ones in their lives. So, hop on with us on this incredible journey of discovery! Sign up to our newsletter!